
Filters on a Minecraft server play an essential role in specifying additional conditions for the activation of effects or triggers. Below are some of the filters:

Example of Use:

  - id: multiply_experience
      operation: SUM
      amount: 0.2
      - mine_block
        - DIAMOND_ORE
        - EMERALD_ORE
        - GOLD_ORE
        - IRON_ORE

These filters allow detailed customization by applying specific conditions to the execution of effects or triggers. For example, by using the blocks filter, you can limit the action to specific blocks, and similarly, the enchants, entities, items and skills filters provide great flexibility to adapt the game experience to the preferences and needs of the server.

It is important to note that the skills filter requires the MythicMobs plugin for its full functionality. With the combination of triggers and filters, server administrators can sculpt unique and captivating experiences for adventurers in the world of Minecraft. Let creativity flow in every corner of the server!🚀🎮

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