
FeatheredElection Plugin Commands

Here I provide you with a more extensive and formal description of the commands.

Command/fhd vote

  • Description: Open the votes menu.

  • Use: /fhd vote

  • Effect: Launches the voting interface, allowing players to express their choice easily and quickly.

Command /fhd addnpc

  • Description: Adds an NPC that represents and displays a mayor.

  • Use: /fhd addnpc

  • Effect: Create a non-player character (NPC) who acts as the mayor, providing a visual representation in the game.

Comando /fhd removenpc [NpcID]

  • Description: Eliminate a specific NPC using their unique ID.

  • Use: /fhd removenpc [NpcID]

  • Effect: Removes the NPC corresponding to the given ID, removing the visual representation of the mayor.

Comando /fhd clearstands

  • Description: Removes bugged armor stands generated by the plugin.

  • Use: /fhd clearstands

  • Effect: Cleans and removes problematic armor stands that may have been generated incorrectly.

Comando /fhd start

  • Description: Automatically starts an election.

  • Use: /fhd start

  • Effect: An election process begins automatically, activating the system for players to participate in the vote.

Comando /fhd cancel

  • Description: Cancels an election in progress.

  • Use: /fhd cancel

  • Effect: Stops and cancels any choices that are in progress, ensuring they are not completed and reversing any associated effects.

These commands offer a complete set of functionality to manage elections within the game environment, giving users the ability to vote, manage NPCs, clean up potential problems, and control the flow of elections efficiently. I hope you find these commands useful in your experience with FeatheredElection! 🗳️✨

Last updated