
  1. Creation of Mayors 🎩:

    • Before starting the election, the server can automatically assign 5 mayors at random among active players or allow players to run for office.

  2. Voting Menu 🗳️:

    • Implements an intuitive voting menu that allows players to select their favorite candidate among the 5 mayors. The interface can be graphical or based on chat commands.

  3. Voting System 📊:

    • It records and updates player votes in real time, offering a dynamic and participatory experience.

  4. Results Announcement 📢:

    • After voting is complete, the results are announced, revealing the winning mayor and the number of votes he or she received.

  5. Mayor Effects 🌟:

    • Associate benefits and special effects to each mayor, encouraging players to choose strategically. These effects can positively impact all players on the server.

  6. Data Persistence 💾:

    • It offers the option of storing election results and mayoral information in Redis or MySQL databases, guaranteeing persistence between server sessions.

  7. Chat Messages 📝:

    • Use custom chat messages to keep players informed about the election progress, results, and any effects triggered by the winning mayor.

  8. Safety and Balance 🔐:

    • Implement measures to ensure fairness and prevent potential abuse or cheating during the voting process.

  9. Configurability ⚙️:

    • Provides configuration options for server administrators to adjust parameters such as election duration, election frequency, and mayoral effects.

  10. Compatibility with Other Plugins 🔄:

    • Ensures compatibility with other plugins that may coexist on the server, offering a comprehensive gaming experience.

Testing and Improvements: This plugin has been carefully designed and extensive testing is recommended to ensure its stability and correctness. Administrators are encouraged to gather feedback from players to make improvements and adjustments as necessary.

Immerse yourself in a unique electoral experience with our Election System for Minecraft Plugin! 🎮✨

Last updated